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Good cycle riding techniques – for triathletes and triathlons

Good Cycle Riding Techniques – For Triathletes And Triathlons Pedal action Your legs need to apply most pressure during the downward phase of pedalling. With clip less pedal you produce a small amount of upward lifting at back of the stroke, but this is not the crux of cycling power or efficiency. Choosing the right […]

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Stay fit with the weider pro home gym

Stay fit with the Weider Pro Home Gym Everyone desires to remain healthy and fit in daily life. Generally people like to workout at one’s own place and spend quite a lot of effort and thought for getting required equipments at their home gymnasium. Weider pro home gym are designed in such a fashion the […]

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The importance of exercise in golf

The Importance of Exercise in Golf Exercises for golfers may seem like an oxymoron, but I’m here to tell they are most definitely not.  Golf is physical!  Golf causes injury!  Golf can very easily break down the body!  To hit the ball maximum distance, your body has to have a higher level of golf specific […]

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Advantages of the star trac elite

Advantages of the Star Trac Elite A Star Trac elliptical machine can bring all the best fitness from the modern gymnasium right into your home, offering the convenience of a total body workout whenever you want it. The Star Trac Elite is a cross training machine that combines the best of the gym session with […]

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Best ways to workout at home

3 Best Ways To Workout At Home There are many ways to workout at home that don’t involve buy expensive home gym equipment. As a matter of fact, you can get a better at home workout with bodyweight calisthenics, dumbbells of a combination of both. Let’s see why these options are better for your at […]

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