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Fitness for golf creates a great mind body connection

Fitness For Golf Creates a Great Mind Body Connection

You are how you feel. If you feel weak, tight or fatigued your mental outlook is bleak. Golfers need to pay more attention to the mind/body link if they want to play better golf.

I’ve worked with players of all skill and fitness levels and I can tell you most of them have a very poor negative image of themselves. This isn’t just the high handicappers either. I’m talking scratch golfers who are overweight and all they see in the mirror is the “fat guy”, not the scratch golfer.

It doesn’t have to be that way! Golfers need to take a different approach to their golf improvement. They need to address what their body is telling their mind and vice versa. If you feel weak or tight you need to start a conditioning program to improve these issues otherwise you will only start feeling worse both mentally and emotionally.

You see…when you’re in shape you feel nearly unstoppable. You are confident and play a game of golf most of your golfing buddies can’t touch. They want to know your secret, but it is no secret. Get in shape for golf and golf becomes easy and very enjoyable.

When you implement a golf fitness program you will see a transformation in your golf swing. If you’ve struggled to make a full backswing…no more! If you’ve lacked power in your swing no more! If you’ve been inconsistent…no more! There is only an upside to a fitness for golf program. Icing on the cake is the prevention and elimination of golf injuries. Aches and pains will be gone forever!

Focus on your weaknesses. If you lack flexibility in your golf swing, spend more time stretching. If you lack strength (power) do more golf-specific resistance exercises. Don’t waste your valuable time on things that aren’t hurting your golf swing. ONLY work on things that are limiting your ability to hit maximum distance drives and make a repeatable swing for 18 holes.

Going to the gym is not a golf fitness program. That is a “general” fitness program. Take a look at the golf swing. It’s on your feet and in golf posture. Not sitting in a machine in a gym.

Golf uses many muscles at the same time in a what we call a sequence of motion. Machines isolate one muscle group in a controlled motion. The complete opposite to your golf swing.

Get some tubing, attach it to your door and make golf swings. This will do more for your swing than hitting hundreds of balls at the range.

Got a bad back? Do specific stretches and exercises right in your home to quickly banish back pain forever. You don’t need to get surgery or see a chiropractor for 12 sessions. Just a little bit of strengthening and stretching will make all the difference in the world!

Become part of the modern day golfer and start your fitness for golf program today! Don’t put it off! Don’t make excuses! Do like Nike…”Just Do It!”

If you’ve gotten this far in the article, you are now one step closer to your best game! One that will blow the doors off all your golfing buddies. Enjoy the journey!

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