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Exercise better with warm up exercise

Exercise Better With Warm Up Exercise

As you plan your exercise schedule then you must include some time for warm up and cool down exercises. These are a must for any exercise to begin in the right fashion. The warm-up exercises are actually designed to make sure that your body gets conditioned before doing those vigorous exercises there by preventing injury.

When you do the regular exercise the muscle contracts and exerts force. It is this muscle contraction can be done better with the warmed up muscles. These muscles are what you need to concentrate when you do those warm up exercises. Another thing that we need to have is elasticity or flexibility of the muscles. The flexibility of the muscles can be increased with increase of temperature. When you perform warm up exercises the body temperature rises thereby providing that extra flexibility.

This is especially true for racers and athletes who need to high energy levels. The warm up for them means more of oxygen supply into the blood because of the increased blood temperature. Typically athletes perform a short sprint or fast jog to increase the temperature. Another added benefit is that all the pores of the body get opened up by warm-up and this helps while cooling down after the exercise.

As you start your exercises then make sure that you have these warm up exercises into your routine. You will gradually need to understand your body mechanics and establish a set of warm up exercises for you. There is not standard set of warm-up exercises that is prescribed. The aim of the warm up exercises is to make sure that your not exercising and exerting pressure on the cold muscles. This increases the chances of injury as well it makes it tough for you to exercise strenuously.

As an example if you do treadmill then make sure that stretching is there as a warm up exercise. A lot of athletes incorporate stretching of unrelated muscles into the warm-up. Make sure that you consult with your personal trainer should you need more guidance on the warm-up exercises.

So get ahead and add warm-up exercises into your routine. These warm up exercise will make sure that you do not get nay injury while you start your fitness schedule. The other benefit is that you should get maximum out of the exercise with less of effort. Add an extra step for cooling down also for relaxation of muscles after strenuous exercises.

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