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Soccer fitness drill – total soccer fitness

Soccer Fitness Drill – Total Soccer Fitness

Soccer fitness drills are an integral part of soccer training. Here are some examples of drills, and how they are performed:

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Random runs are set up by using nine cones. Use one cone to mark the starting point, with the rest of the cones placed about five to ten yards away from it. Each cone should be designated with a number. The players should stand around the starting point. Shout the name of one of your players and the number of the cone randomly. The player should then perform a quick run to the cone with that number. The drill should last for about five to ten minutes.

Jog and sprint is set up by placing six cones fifteen yards apart. Let your players stand in line behind the first cone, which marks the starting point. The first player in line should perform a fast run, then jog, then sprint, and so on. This drill will help improve soccer players’ sprinting abilities, which is a crucial part of soccer fitness. This is because a player who is slow will have a hard time performing regardless of his position in the game. 

Station runs require six cones that are set up in a rectangle, with the cones five yards apart. The cone up to the left is used as the starting point for this drill. Let your players line up in front of this cone. In order to perform this drill, do a fast run to the first cone. Upon reaching it, lie down and perform twenty sit-ups. Run to the second cone and perform ten push-ups; to the third cone and perform ten knee jumps; to the fourth cone and perform twenty sit-ups; and finally, to the fifth cone and perform ten push-ups. Then, jog back to the starting point.

These soccer fitness drills will help you improve your game.

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