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How the seniors of america are being more fit than the rest

How the Seniors of America are Being More Fit Than the Rest

It really does seem that as you grow old, you want to be a bit more active, more alive than the rest of the population. According to a research done by the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association of America:

“The graying of society is altering the way America keeps fit. More than 47 million Americans exercised “frequently” in 1996, up from 39.5 million in 1987, largely due to growing numbers of extremely active seniors.”

Older means more active

The other results are extremely enlightening:

“Frequent exercisers aged 45 and older increased 47% between 1987 and 1996 – from 12.2 million to 18 million. And their reasons for exercising are changing: More say they work out to maintain health and vitality rather than to improve their appearance.”

Popular exercises

Since trending is a good way to tap into the conscious efforts of literally millions of active American seniors, just what is it that captures the fancy of the graying population?

Among those physical activities that reached the top of the list are:

1.    Treadmills- the good old treadmill, when used properly and with the right gear can improve blood circulation and strengthen the heart. An hour on a treadmill a day really does keep the doctor away.

2.    Stationary bicycles- more challenging than the usual treadmill, stationary bicycles challenge its users by targeting different muscle groups and by strengthening the upper and lower back.

3.    Swimming- by far the best form of natural cardiovascular exercise, swimming stabilizes the heart rate and allows the body to shed the pounds while having fun.

4.    Water exercises- resistance training in the water, with the use of swimming machines and similar equipment comes in at fourth. The popularity of water exercises is rooted in the fact that water-related physical activity boosts the immune system and strengthens long bones and joints.

5.    Walking- if you don’t have the time to go to a public swimming pool, just start walking. An estimated 7 million Americans aged 45 and older walk for fitness on a daily basis.

6.    Weight lifting- with the proper consultations with your doctor and a professional trainer, it’s never too late to start lifting weights. Bone density increases with the proper use of weights and with the proper diet.

Prolonging life

According to James White, a geriatric specialist from Los Angeles:

“Exercise literally spells the difference between a bed-ridden last decade and an active life until the very end. If the news is true, then there is hope for obese America.”

If you think you’re far too busy for exercise, then remember these facts. The number one killer in America is heart attack. Heart attack happens suddenly, and treatment must be given within the golden hour. Anything beyond sixty minutes no longer works as efficiently.

Heart attack is a traitorous disease because it doesn’t have any outward symptoms. Sometimes the most normal-looking person of average weight may already be suffering from coronary hardening.

Exercise minimizes such risks and brings a person that much closer to better health. In the final analysis, those who exercise regularly are least likely to die from heart-related incidents and ailments.

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