How fat burning heat rate functions
How Fat Burning Heat Rate Functions
You have probably heard about fat burning heart rate, wondered what this thing is and how it can help you. If you still have a problem in understanding what this is all about and how it can help you to burn fat more effectively, then read on. You will find some interesting things which will help you in the fight against that nasty fat.
Fat burning heart rate is the rate your heart should have in order to lose fat. When you are exercising your heart starts to beat faster. But in order to burn the fat, your heart will have to reach a certain number of beats per minute, which is commonly referred to as the fat burning heart rate zone. When your body is in this zone, your muscles will function better, will start strengthening and thus consuming more calories, which results in burning more fat. This is quite an easy to understand procedure and once you have got the grip of it, you will find it easier to make your body work in your favor.
In order to determine your fat burning rate, you will have to determine first what your normal rate is, then apply the Karyonen Formula, you can find detailed on the internet. Once you have found which your fat burning heart rate zone is, you will be able to plan your exercises in such a way as to reach that heart rate and transform your body into a furnace which burns the fat at high speed.
In order to monitor the number of beats per minute your heart has, it is advisable to purchase a mobile heart beat monitor, which will give you hints about how effective your fat burning fitness training is and how much fat you have burned in a certain amount of time. This way not only will you be able to use your exercising time in a more effective manner, but you will also get to customize your fat burning training according to your body’s needs.
To take advantage at maximum of the exercises you are making in order to burn fat, you can ask for a fitness trainer to design a personalized training which will help you reach the fat burning heart rate zone in a small interval of time and maintain constant this rate for the remaining exercising period. You can also make such a program yourself, but it will take a period of trial and error in which to evaluate your potential and see the evolution of your heart rate during certain types of exercises.
Combined with a healthy fat loss diet, the fat burning heart rate program can do wonders for your body, as it will allow you to fully take advantage of the period in which your body is burning more and more fat in a short period of time. So, make a time in your busy schedule for exercising sessions based on your maximum heart rate and see how your fat will begin to melt away and your body will be reshaped. You will have nicely built muscles and a waist for which everybody will be jealous on you.