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Addressing errors in the implementation of weight training techniques

Addressing Errors in the Implementation of Weight Training Techniques

In sports medicine, the various combinations of movements to obtain a specific goal in physical fitness is called “complex movement skills”. Complex movement skills are made up of several components.

The first component is the general nature of a particular movement. When a person is stationary or unmoving, the movement often translates to anaerobic exercise.

When a person is moving, such as in a treadmill or physically moving about an allotted space, the movement translates to aerobic exercise. Often, one type of movement is combined with another kind of movement.

For example, if you are doing curl ups, the movement are supported by resistance on the part of the legs. Without the resistance, the complex movement cannot be accomplished.

Errors in bodybuilding

According to John H. Downing, a researcher for The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance:

“General errors include:

* Training too often and/or with too much weight (often affecting
other categories of general errors)

* Training velocities that are too fast or too slow

* Failing to train through a full range of motion

* Failing to train symmetrically

Specific errors primarily involve incorrect kinesiological applications to individual weight-training exercises. Although they may exist alone, they are often found in combination with general errors.”

Important guidelines

To avoid overstressing the body, general guidelines are put forth to ensure a healthy and well rounded bodybuilding experience.

Downing expounds on this particular point:

“Training frequency, or the number of training sessions per week,
is a critical element of the overload formula. The American College of Sports Medicine guidelines (Kraemer et al., 2002) suggest that individuals engage in strength training for two to three days a week.”

“Many beginners, for a variety of reasons, ignore these guidelines and try to do too much too soon. They usually encounter severe muscle and joint pain, become frustrated, and often abandon their training regimen.”

Another important factor to remember during weight training or resistance training is diet. Diet is central to any physical training regimen because it provides the substrates for biological development.

The role of protein

Muscle tissues will not be able to grow without sufficient amounts of protein. It is recommended that a person engaged in bodybuilding exercises two or three times a week should consume at least 300 grams of protein per meal.

If digestion problems occur, the figure may be reduced until a balance is found. More protein translates to better muscle growth and better body performance.
The right balance should be found also in the consumption of carbohydrates and fats. Macronutrients should not be eliminated for the equation. Rather, both macronutrients and micronutrients should be consumed in a balanced manner to ensure optimal results. Optimal results do not only translate to larger muscle mass.

Maintaining health & optimum performance

Optimum performance is achieved when the body processes and vital organs do not come into any kind of harm during bodybuilding exercises. If for any reason an organ is harmed, the regimen is considered completely harmful.

Frequent consultation with healthcare providers is also necessary in maintaining a safe distance form health problems. The proper accessories such as weight belts should also be worn as part of standard operation procedure.

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