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Fitness one on one

Fitness One on One

A personal fitness trainer’s credo is ensure that their client come first and foremost, to help them meet their needs and wants and finally provide a comprehensive service that guarantees results.

The qualities of a personal fitness trainer include knowledge, expertise and most of all personality. The trainer may well find himself or herself the driving force behind the work output of the client and as a consequence motivational techniques will be very important in maintaining performance levels.

It is expected that a personal fitness trainer ‘keep-up-to-date’, be well read with the latest information and study hard in attempt to ensure that the client has the benefit of latest regimes and techniques to ensure success.

The Human Body

It is essential that a personal fitness trainer is fully versed in human anatomy, how it moves and the functional relationships between each of the body systems.

Additionally the personal fitness trainer will be expected to have a valid first aid qualification and be confident enough to cope with any injury incurred by their client – whether in their care or not.

Having knowledge of sports injuries and how to rehabilitate them will increase client confidence in the trainer.

Client Contact

The development of inter-personal skills and an ear for detail will help provide the trainer with invaluable information on how best to approach the relationship and the program with their client.

Client Assessment

Being able to conduct tests and assessments in a competent manner will help instill the confidence required of them to their clients. Knowing what to test, how and why will provide both the trainer and the client a clear reference point from which to take their next steps.

Client Conversion

Careful planning, meticulous preparation and a no-nonsense program that provides a progressive route to ‘improvement’ may well be the key that ‘wins over a dubious client’

Client Expectations

It cannot be emphasized enough that, a fee-paying client will expect only the very best from a Personal Fitness Instructor – excellent communication and demonstration skills, personality and knowledge.

These qualities can be found in many good fitness instructors on the market, so therefore the better personal trainer must be well prepared, pay attention to detail and be totally committed to the individual needs of the client (one-to-one).

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