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Fitness and training mistakes

Fitness And Training Mistakes

A lot of people hit the gym for several years without getting any significant results, and then they get frustrated and start telling everyone about how you can only get great results in the gym if you use all kinds of supplements and steroids.

If you have been working out for even a couple of months and have not gotten the results you originally expected yet, there is something wrong with the way you are working out and your overall fitness strategy.

This doesn’t mean that all your time was wasted since you have probably strengthened your muscles and tendons quite a bit and primed your body for getting that development you have always wanted. In this article I am going to go through all the mistakes people make when they are in the gym and how avoiding these mistakes can help you reach your training goals and have you see great results just within a couple of months.

The first mistake a lot of people make is that they are in the gym for too many hours at the time. A lot of people brag about being in the gym several hours a day, this is because they think that the amount of gym hours a day is equal to your results. This is far from the truth and it is actually really bad to train a couple of hours a day. It is not impossible to build muscle by doing this, but when most people train a couple of hours a day they are most likely not working out very intensively and are probably spending 50% of that time talking with their friends.

Make sure you keep your training sessions at 45-90 minutes, but go full throttle with breaks of no more than 30-90 seconds before your sets. You will feel that this intensity will give you completely different results.

The next mistake most people make is that they train for the pump instead of training for muscle building. It won’t help you to do 100 pushups and then do 50 fast bicep curls just to get blood into your muscle and look big in the gym, you have to train properly and train for hypertrophy. Make sure you do proper sets of 4-15 reps and really focus on working the muscle you are trying to target.

Avoid these mistakes and you will be well on your way to seeing great results.

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