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Best way to get a workout – how to work out if you are lazy

Best Way To Get A Workout – How To Work Out If You Are Lazy

Not too many of us like to work out, but we all know it is necessary to work out in order to maintain good health. If you are one of the millions who are lazy, in this article I will give you some tips on how to make working out a little less difficult for you.

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First, as nuts as it may sound, you may want to sleep in your work out clothes, so in the morning you can just put your shoes and socks on and you are ready to go.

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Secondly, you may want to start wearing a pedometer, this is a device that measures how many steps you walk in a day. You will be surprised how many steps you take just doing your normal tasks. But when you are aware of your steps you will surely make a greater effort to walk more. Like parking your car at the edge of the parking lot or start taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Third, working out doesn’t mean that you have to have your work out session for a long uninterrupted period of time. In the the evening when watching TV use that time wisely. During Commercials and brakes do 5 minutes worth of exercise. You won’t even realize that you have been exercising. Try to get short periods of exercise in between other tasks. Two 10 minute walks is just as good as one 20 minute walk.

Fourth, just because you go to work daily is no excuse not to exercise. You have breaks that you can either go outside and walk around or choose from one of the many exercises you can do at your desk. When it is lunch break, don’t spend the whole time eating. Eat your lunch and then spend the rest of the time doing some form of exercise. It can be as simple as walking around the building you work in with a friend.

Fifth, don’t think working out has to be something you do by yourself. It is best to involve a friend or relative. If you have someone you are responsible to, you will most likely not chicken out. If you share your exercise time with a friend it will not seem like work, but instead a fun time that you get to share your thoughts and ideas.

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