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The ultimate,no gym,fat loss workout

The ultimate,no gym,fat loss workout

This perfect workout which I will describe in detail can be characterized as:

Non conventional, very demanding, multifunctional and holistic.

Besides the indisputable benefits that this workout will bring to your physical fitness and appearance, it will additionally offer you two very important advantages:

– it is perfectly suitable for busy people because with 3 workouts x 40’ per week, your results will be much more impressive than those of the most gym frequenters.

– you can complete it ‘outdoors’ or in your home, which will save a lot of time and money. You don’t need a gym!

On the other hand a main disadvantage is that it is suitable only for already fit people and only for those with strong self-discipline.

This is because this workout is really for tough guys.

Epigrammatically the workout consists of:

* 3 minutes for a general warm up

* 5 minutes for a total bodyweight workout

* 10 minutes of strength training with dumbbells

* 10 minutes of HIIT

* 7 minutes for cooling down and static stretching.

A) Warm up

First of all keep your body well hydrated and fuelled!

Warming up is very crucial to prepare the body for the strenuous exercise that will follow. Since the objective is maximum results in lesser time I keep it short: round 3min.

This is an essential phase: muscles become more flexible and pliable, heart rate rises and body temperature increases. At the end you are ready to proceed to the next phase.

The warm up should be of general type, nothing specific.

I recommend starting with light aerobic exercise and slowly building up speed. Specifically:

– jogging in place

– doing some jumping jacks

– also some flexibility exercises (not stretching! Keep stretching for after cool down).

B) Total bodyweight workout

These tough and functional workouts are the best investment for your time. You can do three types of exercise:

lower body exercises

Emphasis on various squats and lunges.

upper body exercises

Emphasis on the endless versions of push ups, bear crawling etc.

core and abs strengthening

Emphasis on spiderman lunges, mountain climbers etc. I prefer these multifunctional, multijoint exercises than static planks.

You can mix these exercises as you wish but the most logical sequence is:

– Upper body exercise

– Lower body exercise

– Core strengthening.

For example:

– Plyo push ups

– Bodyweight squats

– Spiderman lunges etc.

Exercises are executed in a circuit form, with no or minimal breaks. One exercise is used as a break for the other.

Your heart rate will probably reach close to 160 beats/min.This is really hard stuff!

After you finish with your five minute total bodyweight workout, you are ready to grab the dumbbells and go on.

C. Strength training with dumbbells

After your bodyweight workout you are warm and ready for the dumbbells.

I choose dumbbells because they are much more convenient to use and store.

Now the biggest mistake with weight training is that generally very few people use enough weights to properly tax their muscles.

Thousands of people “play” with 5Kg dumbbells with minimal impact ?n their strength and muscularity.

Probably this is because of the big myth/fallacy that more repetitions will lead to a better definition. This is nonsense. Definition will come only with fat loss.

So please stop losing your valuable time and choose weights heavy enough to put decent stress on your muscles.

For maximum results please take into account the following principles:

1) Try to avoid isolation movements e.g. biceps curls, triceps extension etc. You will get much more profit if you execute compound exercises with the participation of multiple joints.

2) Choose a weight which will permit you to do about 8 repetitions with an impeccable style. Right style is much more important that heavier weights.

3) To gain more time try to exercise with the participation of both your hands or legs.

4) Don’t lose your time with weighted crunches or similar stuff.

The best exercises with dumbbells

1) Overhead presses for shoulders (avoid extensions)

2) Squats or lunges for quads, glutes, hamstrings

3) Deadlifts for back, glutes, hamstrings

4) Chest presses and chest flies for chest

5) Bent over two armed dumbbell rows for back.

That’s all!

Don’t search for exotic, glamorous exercises!

You are already in the paradise!

You can do tenths of variations of these exercises but do respect the basics.

For 10 minutes do as many sets as possible with minimal breaks and alternating between upper and lower body exercises.

This is a tough workout which combines anaerobic with aerobic exercise.

Your pulse will climb up to around 150 beats, especially when you are doing the shoulder presses.

This workout is excellent for fat loss purposes.

D) H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval Training)

H.I.I.T. is a nice way to burn calories and lose fat in limited time.

I won’t claim that H.I.I.T. is a panacea.

Long, medium to high intensity has definitely its’ place in a fat-loss programme.

Though, for our workout which is scheduled for really busy people, H.I.I.T. is the king hands down.

Before you proceed, make sure that you are fit enough and you have a clearance from your doctor.

D1. If you are at home…

The best option is stairs climbing. You will need at least 3 floors.

Climbing vigorously will be your energy burst and going down in a relaxed manner your active recovery phase. There are tenths of versions you can do H.I.I.T. by adjusting:

– burst duration

– recovery duration

– intensity

– total duration etc.

Specifically for stairs climbing you can:

– walk up or run up

– cover one – two stairs / strides etc.

Start conservatively, gradually build up your speed and continue for 10 minutes.

At the end your pulse should reach 160-180 beats.

D2. If you are outdoors…

Try 60m all-out sprints. They should last round 12 sec, not more. Walk back for recovery. Do this 8 times.

Alternatively you could run for 30″ and jog back in a relaxed manner. Repeat this 6 times.

Again there are endless variations.

D3. If you are in the gym…

You can execute your H.I.I.T. programme on a treadmill, elliptical or bike.

E. Cooling down

Take cooling down seriously. For 2-3 minutes decrease gradually your exercise intensity. Your heart rate should come down to 100-110 beats. Lactic acid and other waste products will be removed and adrenaline will be reduced.

Do some static stretching for all your taxed muscle groups. 1×20″ for each muscle group is a must.


This workout really makes wonders and is ideal for busy and determined people. To fully reap its’ benefits:

– Do it 3 times a week

– Adopt an active lifestyle and perform some lighter activities in your free days.

– Adopt a sound nutrition plan.

Think about it…

* You don’t need money!

* You don’t need much time!

* You don’t need a gym!

* You only need…

Fitness which you can acquire relatively easily

Knowledge: abundant and accessible

Guts and self-discipline.

Chris Strogilis

Civ. Eng. – MBA – DipM


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