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Are you a master of the martial arts

Are you a Master of the Martial Arts? Why Not?

Chances are, you are probably not a martial arts master, but if you think about it, there is no better time than now to start your training. I’m not going to smooth it over and say that it’s an easy journey or that if you start now you can be a full-fledged master in a year or two. It will probably take ten years and it will definitely take a lot of work for you to become a master of martial arts, but you’ll have so much to show for your accomplishment. Besides, the next ten years are going to go by no matter what you do, so why not use them to reach a goal? While you are training to become a master, you’ll begin to incorporate all aspects of the art, from the training and techniques to the tactics and history, into your life and it will change you life in ways that you couldn’t do any other way.

Physical Fitness

As you train to become a master of martial arts, you’ll learn that you need to always incorporate your entire body to control your movements. Unlike other physical activities that often use just one muscle set at a time, martial arts doesn’t require you to have different routines to work various muscle sets of the body. Besides, a great training program will have your exercises change and evolve with you so that you get the maximum out of every training session. By the time you become a master, your body will be extremely physically fit and, as a side benefit, you’ll have increased your health and lowered your risk of certain diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. As a part of your training, you’ll also work on your flexibility. Regardless of your age or your current flexibility, martial arts will help you improve your overall flexibility and reduce your risks of injuries, increase your posture and help you be able to better relax your muscles.

Mental Fitness

You cannot train martial arts while zoning out, reading a magazine or watching a television program. To train martial arts, and especially to become a master, you’ll need to get and keep your mind and body in tune with one another. You’ll raise your awareness of your body and its abilities, but you’ll also increase your focus and concentration. This is necessary because you’ll need to make sure that you concentrate on every movement to make sure you don’t injure yourself or those around you. This necessary focus and concentration then carries over to other aspects of your life. As you train and increase these abilities, you’ll find out that your focus and concentration also increase on the job, at home and in other situations as well. Having your mind and body in tune with one another also gives you a clear sense of what you are capable of and increases your confidence because you know that you’ll be able to defend yourself physically and mentally. In addition to that, martial arts training is always changing which means you’ll never get bored and you’ll always have a challenge to look forward to. Mastering each new move challenges not only your body, but your mind as well.

Lower Stress Levels

While any type of physical exercise is a great stress reliever, regular practice of a martial art goes one step further. Physical exercise alone can reduce the physical effects of stress, but activities such as jogging, walking, biking or playing a sport don’t help you relieve as much stress as you could. The mental concentration and focus required to train martial arts can give your full stress relief in once activity. Becoming a master gives you the skills you need to handle stressful situations in all aspects of your life.

You might choose to train a martial art for many different reasons: to train for self-defense, for a fitness regime, to reduce stress, for mental discipline or to build self-confidence. Whatever your reason to start, you might as well set your sights to the highest goal within the art and strive to be a master. Ten years from now you’ll look back and may not even believe how it’s changed your life.

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