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How to lose 100 pounds top 5 keys to success

How to lose 100 Pounds Top 5 Keys To Success

Reconnecting with your body!

When two seemingly separate things exist relationships have to be created between them and the when a person loses touch with their natural body, its fitness and durability and health, the relationship between mind/person and body has broken down. For many who abuse their bodies with drugs or food there is a conscious separation made where the person does not associate themselves with their body at all but to lose alot of weight, reconnecting with your body is an important part of the process.

Now there is talk about the mind and body connection explaining that this new understanding about the impact out thoughts and feeling have on our bodies so to lose 100 pounds as quickly as possible and enjoy the process I recommend that you:

1. Accept that this is your body is part of who you are.

2. Think of you mind and body as one interwoven process.

3. Learn to accept that your thought processes will impact your body.

4. Write down how you would like to ‘feel’ and ‘think’ about your body.

5. Use these thoughts and feelings to build a new ‘picture’ of your body.

6. Start some form of exercise as soon as you can to get your body moving and in action again.

Now all this may seem a little strange to some but for those who have lost 100 pounds or more there is a definite loss of direction and connection with the body and its natural capabilities. A body for example has been formed to walk, run and exercise but few who have 100 pounds to lose use their body naturally.

If you have a large amount of weight to use I recommend that you reclaim your natural relationship with your body as soon as you can, allowing you to lose weight more easily and re-connect with your natural.

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