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Golf trolleys improve your game and health

Golf Trolleys Improve Your Game and Health

Golf caddies are wonderful people; not only do they offer advice and support, they also carry your clubs around for you – which is otherwise one of the least enjoyable elements of the game.  Of course, not many of us can afford our own caddie, which is where Golf trolleys come into the equation.  Although they can’t advise you on the most appropriate club for a tricky approach, they can handle the most gruelling part of a caddie’s job – shifting the clubs around the course.

A golf bag filled with clubs and balls is a heavy enough weight to haul out of the car, let along to drag around an entire golf course!  While this may be a challenge to teenaged players, still eager to prove themselves in every element of the game, more mature golfers understand the need to conserve energy in order to play to their best.  Arriving at a tee out of breath and sporting an ache in your back and shoulders is about the worst possible way of playing the game, yet this is the reality of hefting a set of clubs around on your back every time you play a round.

Golf carts not only make transporting clubs a breeze, they also raise the entire bag off the ground, meaning there’s less bending and straightening involved in selecting clubs.  Although this may seem a minor point, a typical par-72 course will involve at least that many club selections, which is a major cause of back problems in the golfing population.  When you consider the amount of time and money people put into choosing and buying the right clubs, training for the right technique and practising for the right approach to the course, it seems senseless to risk back injuries, reduced concentration and lower energy levels by carrying clubs around instead of making use of a golf trolley!

Of course, some golf trolleys don’t even need to be pushed around the course!  Electric golf trolleys let you drive your clubs around the course by remote or manual controls, taking all the strain out of transporting your clubs and letting you focus on playing well.  Hazlemere Golf Club’s ninth hole – the appropriately named ‘Cardiac Hill’ – is all the evidence a player could need for the value of an electric golf trolley.  That said, do make sure you invest in a trolley with enough power to get up hills like these; it would be a nasty shock to find your trolley tumbling back down the hill!

When investing in an electric golf trolley, do also be sure to buy for durability rather than style, as they take more of a battering than you might realise.  It’s also very sensible to invest in as large a battery as you can afford, since their charge dissipates over time and a battery that could once cover a full eighteen holes will eventually start giving up before you do.  A final piece of advice, no matter what type of trolley you are buying, is to ensure you get a warranty, or some kind of post-sale support to ensure your trolley can be repaired when it gets damaged.

Unless you’re in it purely for the fitness, there is no sense in playing golf without some kind of golf trolley or caddie.  For most of us, for whom golf caddies are a tad expensive, this makes golf trolleys a vital part of the game – something without which your game and body will only suffer.

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