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Golf training and instruction go hand in hand

Golf Training And Instruction Go Hand In Hand

Many golfers look for ways to improve their swing and one way of doing this is to find yourself a good golfing instructor. An instructor will teach you how to work on the various aspects of your swing and also to advise you on the types of exercise you should be doing to increase your flexibility. Most golfing injuries are a direct result of a lack of flexibility in the golfer’s muscles. Golf training involves exercises that are designed to increase flexibility where it is needed, as golfing uses all of the muscles in your body then you need a variety of stretching exercises to strengthen them all.

Good golfing instruction will teach you the best way to hold your club, where to place your right elbow and the best tempo for improving your swing. If you are thinking about instruction then you really should look for a PGA qualified golfing instructor. You will also need to know what sort of exercises you should be doing as part of your golf training. Your instructor will know that if you are going to play golf on a regular basis then the first thing you should start doing is increasing the flexibility of your muscles – this is helped by a series of stretching exercises built in to your fitness program.

Once you begin your training it is all too easy to expect that you will have perfected your game in a set period of time. Everyone learns at their own pace and it will take some people longer than others. When you start your training one of things that you will learn about is the importance of posture and how this can be improved by the right kind of exercises.

Your instructor will want to know that you understand the importance of a good fitness training program. Improving your golf will depend very much on your physical fitness and a lot of golfing exercises are designed to help you improve your swing and your drive. Golf may look like a very laid back kind of game but it actually needs a good deal of strength and control if you want to play it properly and avoid getting injured.

Your stance is important when you play golf and although your feet should be apart they should not be too wide apart. Most trainers recommend that your feet should be a shoulder width apart, they also recommend that in order to have a good swing you should not stand too close to the ball.

Most instructors will tell you that a fitness program is essential if you want to improve your swing and your drive – they will also tell you that you need to focus on the individual aspects of a swing if you want to improve it. Once you see where the flaws are it is a lot easier to reduce your handicap. Many golfers manage to improve their swing by training their body on a regular basis, once your body is in shape it is a lot easier to focus on individual elements of the game.

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