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Are you embarrassed about being short

Are You Embarrassed About Being Short? Don't Be – These Tips Will Help You Grow Taller

Bones cease to grow and develop when a person reaches adulthood – or so you thought. Studies have shown the human bones are fully capable of growing in little amounts during adulthood. Just because you are not a teenager anymore doesn’t mean that you can’t add a few inches more to your current height. If your height is a concern for you, here are 4 tips to help you grow taller, and more confident.

Soak up some sun. It’s a great idea to go out and get a healthy dose of sunshine from 6AM to 10AM, when the sun’s rays are warm but not burning hot. Sunshine helps your bones synthesize Vitamin D, which promotes bone growth and strength. So go on out and enjoy the scenery while doing your bones a favor.

Breathe deeply. Every cell, including those of your bones and muscles, in your body relies on oxygen for them to function well. The best way for you to get those cells up and running is to breathe good, fresh air. You’ll find how this instantly refreshes you and allows you to hold your head up high, and generally improve your stance.

Stretch, stretch, and stretch some more. The simplest way to explain this concept is through a cheap elastic band. You stretch it, and it although it goes back to its original form, it’s a little longer than it was before. Your body responds to stretching, because your muscles are very much like elastic bands. The more you stretch the more leaner and longer your muscles will be.

Got milk? We all learned in school that milk is rich in calcium and it’s generally good for one’s health. It is – not only for the calcium, which our bones need for strength and structure, but also for protein, which our muscles need for mass. If you’re not a fan of milk, try other dairy products which are rich in these minerals. As you age, you’ll be able to maintain that youthful posture and not develop weak bones which make you look short.

Sign up for Pilates. Did you know that the reason most people feel short is because they have an awkward, slouching posture? Pilates is a fitness progress centered on developing muscles in your trunk i.e., your chest and your back. Because it is in your trunk that your spinal cord is located, it is important that the muscles around it are strong. Pilates can help improve your posture, giving you that added oomph in your stride.

Try yoga. Aside from it being highly spiritual and relaxing to the senses, yoga also employs body positions that allow the hips and groin to expand, and the lower back to lengthen. The classic lotus position, wherein a person sits up straight on a mat with his or her feet placed on the opposing thighs, allows for deeper breaths that somehow cleanse the body, making one feel taller, stretched and more relaxed.

Hang from a bar. Children are encouraged to play on the monkey bars for a reason. Their being suspended and the pull of gravity make their limbs longer, as if stretching them. Their muscles become stronger and longer over time. This works wonders even with adults. You won’t see a whole foot increase, but there will definitely be a few inches more.

Run every morning. Why do people who sprint seem to have very long, lean legs? That’s because their legs are well-developed from all that running. Make it a habit to sprint regularly, particularly in the morning when your energy level is at its peak. This strengthens your leg muscles, making them leaner and longer.

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