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How to prevent golf injuries

How To Prevent Golf Injuries

A large number of amateur golfers suffer from golf injuries, the worst of these injuries can prevent a person from ever playing golf again – at the very least these injuries can result in the weakening of muscles and a lot of lower back pain. As most good golfing instructors will tell you, the reason that amateurs are injured when playing golf is because their muscles are neither strong enough nor flexible enough to play the game well.

Golf may look like a very laid back game but it is actually quite strenuous and involves the use of almost every muscle in your body. Professional golfers know all about the risk of injury in golf and they also know that the best way of avoiding it is a good fitness program and regular golfing exercises. When a person exercises regularly they strengthen their muscles and increase their flexibility. A good golf swing is a whole body movement and unless those muscles are used to regular strengthening and stretching exercises they will not have the flexibility that is need to be able to play golf well and without acquiring an injury.

Golfing can result in a large number of injuries and it is almost always because the golfer does not have either a golfing fitness program or a set of pre-game warm up exercises. Sixty percent of golfers are injured playing golf and the risk of injury increases with age.

Playing for too long, a faulty swing and the lack of a proper exercise program and warm up are all factors that can result in a golfer being injured. If you are going to play golf then you should add at least fifteen minutes onto the overall time for warm up exercises – the problem is that many amateur golfers fail to see the need for this and that is why they suffer golf injuries.

A brisk walk and a few stretching exercises are the least you should do as a golfing warm up. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the first couple of games are a warm up, they’re not. The golf swing is a complex and difficult movement to get right, it is much easier when your muscles have been suitably loosened up beforehand, which is why you should always do some pre-game exercises and stretches.

When you begin your stretching exercises then you should always remember that whatever you do with one side of the body you should do with another. Stretching is a major part of increasing the flexibility of your muscles and flexible muscles lead to a better swing. Not only that, but your newfound range of motion relieves stress off your muscles during every swing during the round.

Most people who start on a fitness program including golf stretches say that within a couple of weeks their swing and then their drive improves dramatically – they are also far less likely to suffer golf injury when they are fit.

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