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Are basic calisthenics better than gym machines

Are Basic Calisthenics Better Than Gym Machines?

When it’s time to improve fitness, burn off ugly fat and build muscle, most men and women think of going to the gym and using gym machines. They completely skip over the power of basic calisthenics to build the strong, lean, muscular body they seek. This is a big mistake, and this article will show you why.

What Do I Mean By Basic Calisthenics?

When I say basic calisthenics I’m talking about the bodyweight exercises you probably learned as a kid in gym class. Or, if you’ve ever seen a military movie, it is the calisthenics exercises the soldiers did in boot camp.

Right off the top of my head, some of the most well known are jumping jacks, push ups, bodyweight squats, squat thrusts and crunches… but there are hundreds of others and variations. These movements use only the weight of your own body as resistance, and train the body to move better in the way your body naturally moves. Bodyweight calisthenics are a great way to strengthen the entire body, improve heart and lung power and burn off fat.

Why I Don’t Like Gym Machines

When you join a gym, they usually don’t spend too much time on basic calisthenics. (After all, why teach you to do something effective at building the body you want without needing a gym). They strap you into shiny gym machines with seat belts and have you do an wide variety of movements. Unfortunately, these movements are often foreign to the way your body moves.

One of the biggest reasons I don’t like gym machines is because of the Principle Of Specificity. Basically, your body makes adaptations due to the specific stresses placed upon it. This means your body becomes better at performing gym machine exercises.

But didn’t you join the gym to improve your performance, health and appearance OUTSIDE the gym?

Why Basic Calisthenics Are Better Than Gym Machines

There are obvious reasons I prefer bodyweight calisthenics over gym workouts. You can do them anywhere, anytime. You don’t need a expensive gym membership or costly equipment. And they work!

But the biggest reason I like bodyweight workouts better is they train the body to perform better in ways that are applicable to your work, sport and life activities. Unless you get strapped into machines in your real life, bodyweight calisthenics produce better results!

The next time you look in the mirror and decide it’s time to get into shape, burn fat or build a more athletic looking body, don’t immediately grab your credit card and head off to the local gym. You already have the best gym in the world… your own body. All you have to do is learn to use it!

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