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From sedentary to spectacular – how to get your health on track

From Sedentary to Spectacular – How to get Your Health on Track

Many of us have tried to stick to a workout schedule and stay on track, but things come up and you get busy. Six months pass, and you find you haven’t been to the gym. It’s okay and there are ways to get back on track and stick with your workout plan.

If you have not exercised for a while, don’t expect to be right where you left off. You will need to build up your muscles and endurance again. Start off slow and then build each time you workout. Start off with a walk for 15 to 20 minutes. After that, you can push the walk to 30 minutes and add some hills. Before you know it, you will be able to jog for 30 minutes.

When getting back into the routine of working out, you don’t want to push yourself too hard and hurt yourself. Be sure to warm up and cool down. Stretching well will also help prevent injuries.

Make a schedule and stick to it in order to stay on track with your new workout plan. Schedule three or four times each week for exercising. Try scheduling specific workouts for each day. One day can be cardio, another can be strength training and another day can focus on abdominal workouts.

Be sure to make your workouts convenient for you. If they do not fit into your day or the gym is too far, make adjustments. Try waking up earlier. It might give you the extra time you need in your day. Find a gym closer or workout at home or in your neighborhood so you are not spending extra time in your car. Working out should not be an added stress; it should be a stress reliever.

You want to be realistic in your fitness goals. It is not healthy to say you will lose 30 pounds in a week. The healthy way to lose weight and keep the weight off is if you lose two to five pounds a week. Also, unrealistic goals may get you down and you need a positive attitude to keep with your plan. You want to recognize your accomplishments and be proud of reaching your goals. By focusing on your successes, you’ll be more likely to stay on track.

Another way to stick with your healthy lifestyle is challenge yourself and mix it up a bit. Keep your workouts fun and interesting. You don’t want exercising to become monotonous. Have daily goals such as working out on the elliptical longer or running farther. If you are running on a track, try lapping some of the walkers. It will help keep your pace up and give you a challenge. Challenging yourself will help you improve and keep you motivated. Each day you will want to do better than the day before.

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